Project Overview
The Complete 6th Street project will reconnect several of Milwaukee's historic and diverse communities that have been negatively affected for decades by the impacts of urban renewal and highway construction.
The project will transform 2.6 miles of 6th Street from National Avenue to North Avenue, connecting southside neighborhoods like Walker's Point through downtown to northside neighborhoods like Hillside and Halyard Park.
A transformed 6th Street will include safe, dedicated infrastructure for people walking, biking and taking transit as well as green infrastructure that will provide much needed tree canopy and increased green space.
Informed by extensive, upcoming engagement, the project's design will connect underserved communities through a people-centered corridor that offers cost-effective and climate-friendly mobility options and improves quality of life.
Project Features

Project Funding
The City of Milwaukee was awarded $36.56M of Neighborhood Access and Equity (NAE) Capital Construction Grant funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for this transformative, community-driven project.