Project Overview

The City of Milwaukee received a Safe Streets and Roads for All Implementation Grant to transform Center Street from one of the most dangerous streets in the City into a street environment for all roadway users. The new Center Street will feature protected bike lanes, enhanced pedestrian crossings, transit boarding improvements, street trees and traffic calming features.

The project will address a nearly two-mile segment of Center Street from Sherman Boulevard to Teutonia Avenue identified as part of the City's overlapping High Injury Network (HIN). This stretch of Center Street is characterized by many high-risk roadway features such as wide travel lanes; narrow, unprotected bike lanes; and underutilized parking lanes, which many drivers use to recklessly pass on the right.

Potential Project Features

Improvements to this heavily used corridor will comprehensively address safety problems by incorporating Complete Streets interventions that are proven to reduce crash risk. Potential improvements, to be finalized through public involvement, include:

  • Fully separated bike lanes
  • Bus bulbs
  • Narrow travel lanes
  • Reduced curb radii
  • Curb extensions
  • Leading pedestrian intervals
  • Raised intersections or crosswalks

Project Funding

The City of Milwaukee was awarded $25M from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Safe Streets for All grant program for this transformative, community-driven project.

Project Location Map

Project area map