Project Overview
The City of Milwaukee, in partnership with Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), is rehabilitating the Cherry Street Bridge over the Milwaukee River. The 1940 bridge is receiving improvements to its structural, electrical, and mechanical components, the bridge house, and the approach roadway. The work will address the City’s safety and operational concerns, meet all state and federal requirements, and maintain the unique and historically-significant aspects of the structure.
Project Goals
- Rehabilitate the existing structure
- Make travel safe and comfortable for everyone by including solid surfaces across the deck
- Restore full operational capacity to accommodate river navigation
- Open grid steel deck will be replaced with a solid surface
- New structural steel elements will be installed throughout structure
- Operator's house will be renovated
- Electrical and mechanical systems will be replaced
The construction project is funded through the WisDOT Local Bridge Program and includes 80% State and 20% City funding.

Project Updates
Project Updates
Community Meetings
Public Involvement Meeting - June 14, 2023
The City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works held a public involvement meeting to receive input and share project details with residents and businesses located in the project area on June 14, 2023 at 5 p.m.