A full set of the Open House boards (from November and December 2023) is available at the link below and a presentation about the recommendations is available on our YouTube Channel.

Housing Goals

Growth in housing diversity can help make Milwaukee a stronger and more resilient city.

The Growing MKE policies and recommendations that you will see summarized on the following boards intend to support citywide goals in economic development, connectivity, housing choice & equity, and climate resilience. Below is a summary of the connection between these goals and housing.
  • Housing Choice & Equity

    Everyone has healthy, stable housing that they can afford.

    How can housing regulations impact housing choice and equity?

    • Lack of housing diversity decreases the amount of naturally occurring affordable housing in a community.
    • Zoning codes that limit the types of housing that can be built and where housing can be built, make it harder to develop housing, restricting supply and increasing housing costs.
    • The recommended updates aim to reduce these barriers to housing diversity.
  • Economic Development

    Milwaukee is an economically resilient city.

    How can housing impact economic development?

    • Increasing housing development in Milwaukee will help increase the tax base which in turn helps support our city services, parks, transit, and new and existing businesses. And, we have the room to grow - Milwaukee used to have 160,000 more people than it does today.
    • Additionally, businesses thrive when they have customers.
    • Increasing housing diversity in neighborhoods can bring in those customers.
  • Connectivity

    Milwaukee is a city of vibrant neighborhoods with amenities that can be reached by foot, bike or transit.

    How can housing regulations impact connectivity?

    • Regulations that encourage multi-unit and mixed-use housing on and near business corridors help create vibrant walkable environments - increasing quality of life.
    • Additionally, building design regulations can ensure new and renovated buildings support walkability and safety.
  • Climate Resiliency

    Milwaukee’s housing stock is resilient.

    How can housing impact climate?

    • Opportunities to make it easier for people to walk, use transit, and bike, are critical to reduce the amount of driving.
    • The recommended updates will provide more options for residents to live in neighborhoods that are well served by transit and near walkable business corridors.
    • Our environmental impact can be reduced through housing materials, building design, and encouraging housing where there is existing infrastructure.

Plan Amendment Policy Recommendations

(Use the arrow to view both boards)

Housing Diversity Recommendations

(Use the arrow to view all 5 boards)

Building Design Recommendations

(Use the arrow to view both boards)