Project Overview

The City of Milwaukee, in partnership with Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), is conducting a rehabilitation project on the Holton Street Bridge over the Milwaukee River from a point north of E. Brady Street to E. Glover/Reservoir Avenue. The Holton Street Bridge was constructed in 1926, rehabilitated in 1987-1988, and has become structurally deficient. Around 10,200 vehicles travel over this bridge per day.

Scope of Work

The proposed rehabilitation throughout all three phases will consist of the following activities:

  • Substructure work including structural steel repairs to select bents (otherwise known as piers or substructure units), girder repair at select bents, concrete substructure repairs to all bents, and stairway replacement at one location.
  • Structural steel repairs to superstructure including main girders, floor beams, stringers and trusses.
  • Installation of new expansion joints on bridge deck.
  • Painting of all bents and superstructure.


The estimated total cost of all 3 phases is $12.7 million. The estimated cost of Phase 1 is $5 million. Federal aid will pay for 80% of the cost, and the City will pay the remaining 20%. No property assessments are currently anticipated as part of this project.

Holton Street Project Map

Project Updates

Community Meetings

Phase 2 Pre-Construction Meeting - March 28, 2024

Phase 1 Pre-Construction Meeting - April 25, 2023

Public Involvement Meeting - January 12, 2022