Concept Feedback through September 20!

Give feedback on the Conceptual Plans for the park using the form below by September 20.

Project Overview

Originally completed in 2006 as part of the Marsupial Bridge Project, the park was initially conceived as a “Media Garden” for gathering and artistic programming. The design was created by La Dallman Architects, and featured stone/pebble surfacing and lighted concrete benches.

In 2012, a creative placemaking group hung swings of all types in the space. Due to safety concerns, the City of Milwaukee removed the installation in 2013, but community support for the project led to a redesign and the installation of more conventional swings and safety surfacing in 2014. The space became known as “Swing Park.”

In the time since, a number of local housing developments have grown up around the park. Concerns from local residents over park use and activity led them to mobilize and re-imagine what the park could be and how it could better function for the changing neighborhood. The Holton Bridge project presents an opportunity to explore these possibilities while the park is closed to accommodate construction.

Previous conversations with residents have revealed a need for increased safety measures and reconsideration of park use and programming. It is still intended to still serve as a literal and metaphorical “bridge” that welcomes people from all neighborhoods. As part of the 2024 budget process, Alderman Brostoff secured $50K to start the design process and make preliminary improvements to the space while we seek funding for the larger reconstruction.

The following presentation is a conceptual plan for the space, for which we’d like community feedback. The design was created by Smith Group, in collaboration with MKE Parks, Alderman Brostoff, and the Friends Group.