Project Overview
The City of Milwaukee, in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), is improving W. Lisbon Avenue from N. 100th Street to W. Burleigh Street.
The project area is 2.1 miles in length and is a divided urban arterial roadway fronted by residential single family homes, commercial properties, and a cemetery. Currently, 11,800 vehicles use W. Lisbon Avenue per day and forecasted traffic is anticipated to be approximately 12,000 vehicles per day in 2045.
The project will completely reconstruct the roadway pavement in concrete. It will also:
- Reconstruct the pavement base and curb and gutter,
- Replace all sidewalks and add sidewalks along the area next to the Holy Cross Cemetery
- Reconstruct ADA pedestrian ramps, driveway aprons, traffic signals, street lighting, and some drainage structures
The project is planned to provide long-term improvements to the severely deteriorated pavement, safety, and operations of the Lisbon Avenue for people driving, walking and biking.
Public Involvement Meetings (PIMs) were held at various milestones for the public to learn about the project and proposed designs.
Project Goals
- Addressing deteriorated pavement and roadway infrastructure
- Reducing frequency and severity of crashes
- Improving transportation safety and mobility for all users
- Enhancing stormwater management
- Implementing traffic calming measures
- Avoiding, minimizing, or mitigating environmental impacts

Community Meetings
PIM #4 - March 19, 2024
PIM #3 - May 23, 2023
PIM #2 - May 10, 2022
PIM #1 - November 10, 2021
Construction FAQs
- How is the project funded? Will I be assessed for work occurring with the project?
- How can we get potholes repaired between now and construction?
- During construction, will I be able to get in and out of my driveway, park on the street, walk on the sidewalk, bike along the street?
- How will construction impact my business located within the project limits?
- I want to make improvements to my storefront/parking lot/driveway, etc. Should I wait until after the project?
- How will the project impact bus services?
- Will trucking be restricted or limited on West Lisbon Avenue?
Design FAQs
- Will the street be rebuilt as is, or will there be modifications? What alternatives were considered?
- What sort of modifications are being proposed with the new design?
- Are roundabouts being considered for this project?
- Why were roundabouts chosen at the N. 92nd and N. 84th Street intersections?
- Will the posted speed be lowered with this project?
- Who will mow the grass areas between the street and sidewalk? Who will remove snow and ice from sidewalks?
- Will there be impacts to trees?
- Will you be providing parking along the corridor? Is parking needed along the area by the cemetery?
- Are portions of the side streets included in the project?
- Will more stop signs or yield signs be installed?