Project Overview

This project will develop pedestrian and transit focused improvements on W. Burleigh Street from N. Sherman Boulevard to N. 20th Street. The project will focus on making the street safer, more comfortable and more accessible for people walking and taking the bus.

Burleigh Street is home to many residents, shops, community services, parks, and schools. The street is also a major corridor with high frequency Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) Routes. However, the corridor has some of the highest rates of severe and fatal crashes involving pedestrians.

Improvements include:

  • Bus bulbs at Sherman Boulevard, 35th, 27th, 24th and 22nd streets
  • Bus stop relocations at Sherman Boulevard and 27th Street
  • Detached curb extensions at 41st, 39th , 37th, 35th, 30th, 25th and 24th streets
  • Pavement markings throughout the corridor, including high visibility crosswalks

The project will also include a High Impact Paving overlay throughout the corridor that will extend east to W. Hopkins Street. Work consists of milling the existing road pavement, and overlaying with asphalt. Prior to the start of paving, utility work may occur and pedestrian ramps will be removed and rebuilt to meet Americans with Disabilities Act standards.

The project will also replace the traffic signal located at the intersection of N. 24th and Burleigh streets with all-way stop signs and detached curb extensions. Before replacing the signal, the City will change it to a flashing red signal for 2-3 months first.

Community Meetings