The City of Milwaukee has started a traffic safety improvement project on Walnut Street-Lisbon Avenue, spanning from 40th Street to 20th Street. This project will create a safer street environment that is more comfortable for people walking, biking, driving and taking transit.

The project will include protected bike lanes to enhance connections between Washington Park, residential areas of Washington Park, Walnut Hill, and Midtown neighborhoods, and downtown Milwaukee. Furthermore, the project will also improve bus service for MCTS Bus Route #57, which currently serves this corridor.

This corridor has been identified as a high crash area and making safety improvements is a priority in the final project design.

This project will include:

  • Protected bike lanes
  • Bus boarding islands
  • Pedestrian safety improvements, such as high visibility crosswalks and bump outs

Public Engagement Opportunities

The City of Milwaukee officially kicked off the Walnut & Lisbon Projected Bike Lane Project in July 2024. In the coming months, a Community Advisory Committee, consisting of community stakeholders, will convene to discuss the project. Additionally, the project team will gather feedback from the community through pop-up meetings and public meetings. We look forward to your participation!

Public engagement timeline

Key Dates

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Walnut-Lisbon Engagement Table - Trunk or Treat

Rooted and Rising is hosting a Halloween Trunk or Treat event on Thursday, October 13st from 4-6 pm.

Come find the Walnut-Lisbon Project engagement team and give your feedback about the corridor!

Where: Rooted and Rising - Washington Park, 3910 W. Lisbon Ave., rear parking lot

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Walnut & Lisbon Protected Bike Lane Project - Public Open House

The City of Milwaukee will hold the first Public Open House to introduce the project and collect initial feedback about the corridor. Exhibit boards will be on display and project team members will be available to answer questions. This meeting will be held in an open house format, so stop by anytime! Open House attendees will have the chance to enter a raffle! Refreshments will be provided!

Where: Rooted and Rising – Washington Park, 3910 W Lisbon Ave

When: December 4 | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Past Public Meeting Materials